Kehilat Ariel exists to enrich the lives of our congregants by creating meaningful and inspiring Jewish moments that resonate with individuals and families through the generations. One of our key values is Havurah/Community. To help us all to better connect, we offer a large variety of Havurot/small groups which include study, shabbat meals, hiking and even surfing! A great source of community connection is of course Shabbat.
Today we have a weekly service of Jews (orthodox to secular), as well as non-Jews, and intermarried families. Everyone is welcome no matter what background you may be from (Jew or Gentile, believer or seeker). Kehilat Ariel is a community where Jewish followers of Yeshua can enjoy their faith with their God-given heritage and non-Jews can learn more about the Jewish roots of their own faith in Yeshua.
We invite you to connect and make some new friends!
Local Havurot / Friendship Groups
Carlsbad, Chula Vista, Clairemont, Del Cerro, Espanol, Hiking, Men’s Club, Poway, Rainbow/Murietta, San Marcos (women), Sisterhood, Surfing, Tijuana, UTC/La Jolla, Youth, Young Adults.
Weekly Services
Shabbat Morning Services: at 5185 Acuna Street in Clairemont, Saturday, 10:30 am. Join us for this uplifting time of worship, fellowship and study.
Children’s Shabbat School: Our children join us for the first part of the service, then break for different classes (Nursery through teens) that include a Bible lesson plus background on Jewish studies and Hebrew.
Dance Ministry: Dance Review Workshop is held every Shabbat, 9:30-10: 25 am in the Social Hall. All welcome to learn the dances for that day’s service.
Prayer Minyan and Messianic Jewish Institute—Tuesdays, 7pm-8:30pm. Current 7-week course:“Messianic Judaism 101: God’s Appointed Customs.” Taught by Rabbi Kasdan and available by Zoom. $60 fee. Contact the office for details. Join the Prayer Minyan before class at 6:30pm.
“A Taste of Torah” Classes: Saturday 9:00-10: 00 am. This survey of the Torah class is taught by various teachers and will take you through the parashah in one year. A great way to learn the foundations of our faith and enjoy some lively discussions! There is also a Spanish Torah Study at this same time.
Sisterhood: This dynamic group of women meets quarterly for study, friendship and service projects. Call the KA office for the latest info on the next luncheon and meeting. All women and daughters are welcome!
Men’s Club–All men are invited for connecting, dialogue and encouragement on vital issues that we deal with today. Always some good discussion and study along with service projects for men to be involved with. Contact Frank Rosas or Rome Remigio for more information. Via zoom at 5:00am PST. Also Men’s Breakfast Minyan, quarterly, from 7:30am-9:00am. One of the KA men will be sharing about his spiritual journey to Messiah. All men and sons invited!
Connect to Others
The messianic synagogue offers the Jewish believer a place to not only talk about their heritage, but to continue to grow in our faith within the blessing of our Jewish heritage. Many non-Jews have also found a special fulfillment in the Messianic Synagogue since they too are grafted into “the rich root of the olive tree” of this Jewish Biblical heritage (Romans 11:17). Together we are returning to our roots through a fresh, Jewish understanding of Yeshua. There are many opportunities for our members to connect with one another through Havurot/small groups, Shabbat and Holy Day services as well as numerous mitzvah service projects in our larger community. We hope you will connect and be part of this!

Make a Difference
If you would like to support our work within the Jewish community, you may donate on this website. Todah rabah (much thanks!)
“And I will bless those who bless you,… And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” Genesis 12:3
Nu? Contact us
Kehilat Ariel (Congregation of the Lion of God) is a synagogue of both Jews and Gentiles who believe that Yeshua (Jesus of Nazareth) is the promised Messiah of the Jewish Scriptures. We celebrate the Biblical Jewish holy days (i.e. Shabbat, Passover, etc.) as well as many of the customs from our rich Jewish heritage. For us, the Messianic Synagogue is a practical way to express the New Covenant faith within the Jewish cultural framework from where it originated. We’d love to hear from you and will be happy to answer any questions you have about our philosophy in Messianic Judaism. Fill out the form below and our staff will be in touch with you shortly. Please join us soon for one of our inspiring services!