Books by Rabbi Barney Kasdan

Matthew Presents Yeshua King Messiah: A Messianic Commentary
Rabbi Barney Kasdan
This commentator is well versed with first-century Jewish practices and thought, as well as the historical and cultural setting of the day, and the ‘traditions of the Elders’ that Yeshua so often spoke about. Get to know Yeshua, the King, through the writing of another rabbi, Barney Kasdan.

Acts: The Early History of the Yeshua Movement (Biblical Character Studies Series)
Rabbi Barney Kasdan
This first century writer (Luke) documents the rise of an intriguing movement of Jews who embraced Yeshua/Jesus as the promised Messiah and the expansion of the Yeshua movement to the Gentile world. Release date July 1, 2022.

Rabbi Paul Enlightens the Ephesians on Walking with Messiah Yeshua: A Messianic Commentary
Rabbi Barney Kasdan
The Ephesian were a diverse group of Jews and Gentiles, united together in Messiah. They definitely had an impact on the first century world in which they lived. But the Rabbi was not just writing to that local group. What is Paul saying to us?

God’s Appointed Customs: A Messianic Jewish Guide to the Biblical Lifecycle and Lifestyle
Rabbi Barney Kasdan
Explains how biblical and Jewish customs are often the missing key to unlocking the depths of Scripture. Includes historical background, traditional Jewish observance, New Testament relevance, and prophetic significance. Companion to God’s Appointed Times.

God’s Appointed Times: A Practical Guide for Understanding and Celebrating the Biblical Holy Days
Rabbi Barney Kasdan
The Biblical Holy Days teach us about the nature of God and his plan for mankind. Includes historical background, traditional Jewish observance, New Testament relevance, and prophetic significance.

Tiempos Establecidos Por Dios: Una Guia Practica Para Entender y Celebrar las Fiestas Biblicas (Spanish Edition)
Rabino Barney Kasdan

Традиции Назначенные Богом: Взгляд Мессианского Еврея на Библйский Цикл Жизни и Его Связь с Образом Жизни Верующего Человека
Рабби Барни Касдаи
Святые библейские дни учат нас о природе Бога и его планах для человечества. Включая историческое прошлое, соблюдение еврейских традиций, а так же актуальность Нового завета и его пророческое значение.
Часи призначені Богом
Практична інструкція для розуміння та святкування святих, біблійних днів.
Святі біблійні дні навчають нас про природу Бога та її плани для людства. Включаючи історичне минуле, дотримання єврейських традицій, а також актуальність Нового Завіту та його пророче значення.
About the Author:
Barney Kasdan has been rabbi of a vibrant Messianic synagogue, Kehilat Ariel in San Diego, since 1981. A graduate of Biola University and Talbot School of Theology, as well as a student at the American Jewish University, he brings a wealth of knowledge and information to us. Author of four other books including, God’s Appointed Times and God’s Appointed Customs, Matthew Presents: Yeshua, King Messiah, and Rabbi Paul enlightens the Ephesians (all with Messianic Jewish Publishers). Rabbi Kasdan is dedicated to helping both Jews and Gentiles get to know the Jewish Yeshua better.
Books by Other Authors

Pirkei Avos (Ethics of the Fathers) Pocket Version
The Schottenstein Edition, ArtScroll Series
This pocket size of the Schottenstein edition of Pirkei Avos (Ethics of the Fathers) has direct interlinear translation between Hebrew and English for easy comparison and contains the classic wisdom passed down by the chazal (sages). Some parcels of wisdom may even sound familiar to a certain first-century rabbi in Israel who taught twelve disciples…

A Messianic Jewish Siddur for Shabbat and Festivals
Rabbi Barry Budoff ( ז״ל)
The 4th Edition of the Budoff Siddur is the most complete Messianic Jewish Siddur available. It follows both a traditional Jewish approach to prayer as well as a clear testimony of Yeshua’s Messiahship.

Complete Jewish Study Bible
General Editor: Rabbi Barry Rubin
Theological Editor: Dr. John Fischer
A One-of-a-Kind Study Bible that reconnects readers with the Jewishness of the Scriptures, using the updated Complete Jewish Bible text by David H. Stern. Commentary is used from the ‘Jewish New Testament Commentary’ by David H. Stern along with commentary notes and articles from leading Scholars